Communicating with Data

Workshop Organised by the Monash Business Analytics Team (WOMBAT)

Amanda Cox
Head of special data projects, USAFacts
Topic: Charts and Words: Being more influential with your data graphics

Data visualisation in the news media is typically a little different than the same representation targeting other audiences (academia, business, government). A major difference is in the words, using words with pictures. This talk will focus on the annotation layer in data visualisation, with examples of where it went well, and also badly!

Amanda Cox is well-known for the sixteen years she spent at The New York Times, including a decade on the graphics desk, and six years as the editor of The Upshot. She is internationally recognised as a leader in the field of data visualisation, and has received numerous awards for her data communication work. This will be her first trip down under!

Nordiske Mediedager 2010 - Thursday - NMD 2010 (4584469828) (cropped).jpg